Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Today is a sick day. Are Mother's allowed those? I didn't see that clause in my contract. Just the minor stuffy nose, sore throat kind. I sound like I could sing bass if in fact I could sing. So the tea, chicken noodle soup, cough drops, and Vick Rub are keeping me company. Please don't forget the tissues. I'm so thankful Jesus is with me even when I smell like a drug store. He's the BEST friend!


Cheryl Watters said...

I am sorry you are sick. I don't believe that is in the contract - mom's are not allowed to be sick or discouraged! hehe I don't think it works that way. Hope you feel better soon.

Grandmagene said...

Nope moms are not suppose to be sick. I hope you feel better soon. You are very creative to post a picture to go along with what you wrote. That is neat.

Quakenbush's said...

I am reading this post after-the-fact. I do however hope that you are feeling mich better! :-)

Quakenbush's said...

Uh... that is "much" better! LOL